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How to Register for the 2007 Spring Season..........

Our 2007 Spring Season starts on Feb 10th, 2007. Here is what you'll need to do in order to register your team. Last Day to register is Jan 27th. 2007.

  1. Must register with Register under the Majors Division
  2. When you have your USSSA ID #, roster, username and password, then you go to our Upcoming Tournament page, click on that link and will take you to our Registration page, use the same USSSA username & password to register your team in the league.
  3. Choose your age division. The Divisions will be assigned by the league after all teams are registered
  4. If you're playing in both the Pre-season Tournament,  and the League then choose that option and proceed.
  5. If you\'re only playing in the league, then choose that option and proceed.
  6. Under Billing Information: If paying by credit card then click on this link Online Registration
  7. If you\'re paying with a check then check that option, upon receiving your payment  you will received an email confirming payment received and then you\'ll be able to log in and Input your team Information.
  8. All teams MUST follow this procedure to play in the league.
  9. Manager\'s Meeting will be announce shortly.
  10. Please, let us know how you feel about the affiliation with USSSA Baseball, to do so click on our COMMENTS link and do so.

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