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FPBL Loses a Good Man...Gone too soon.

Pembroke Pines, FL. If you had known this person you would of notice his love and passion for baseball, whether it was about his beloved Yankees, West Broward Baseball High School, South Florida Elite Squad or going back to his days with the Weston Rattlers the team he Coached in this league. Sergio Ambros passed away yesterday on a baseball field, from a massive heart attack, as he was getting ready to do what he loved most after his family and that was Coach Baseball.

Serg, as I called him when we saw or spoke to each other was one of the true caring and loving Coaches I have ever met, he loved baseball,whether it was raking the field, lining it or Coaching,  it didn't matter...we lost a great man, and that is so sad. He holds a special place in my hart, he was a mentor to my son Richie, he was like a second dad to him, they had a special relationship, he was 25 years older than Richie, but they were best of friends on the field and was there for Richie when he started his Elite Squad Organization, the First Coach he hired, he was at Richie's wedding and saw his daughter born, Serg was special. As a Coach he was as competitive as you ever going to find but a true gentleman on the field.

Serg, coached the Broward  Storm/Weston Rattlers back in '03 and was a huge part in the growth of the FPBL his leadership and dedication to what he did on this league was huge, he pulled together teams to come and play in the league and even when we did tournaments he was always trying to get teams to play.

Sergio Ambros leaves behind a beautiful family with two boys Kyle and Troy, his wife Elena and his beautiful granddaughter Jordan.

R.I.P. my Friend we will ALL miss you
Sergio Ambros-September 13, 1963 – June 28, 2015

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