Follow us on Twitter @FPBL and Instagram fpbl205 & Get League Playoffs UPDATES !!Playing Facilities: Flamingo Park (PLO)1900 NW 122nd Terrace, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 Taravella High School (THS)
10600 Riverside Rd. Coral Springs, FL 33071 Tequesta Tracce Park (TTP)600 Indian Trace. Weston, FL 33029 NOTE: NO COOLERS ALLOWED AT TARAVELLA HIGH SCHOOL
Playoff Specific Rules:
- Higher Seed is home team throughout the playoffs.
- Teams will split Ump cost at the plate
- 9u-12u $40 ea /13u -14u $45 ea. 16u $45 ea. League will cover fees for Championship Game.
- Protesting a game for an illegal or Ineligible player(after 1st pitch and before second pitch Only).There is a $100.00 protest fee refundable if upheld.
- Each team to supply two New baseballs.
- Pitch Counts are In affect throughout the playoffs. Pitches are on a Per day basis.
- Players playing in the league playoffs can only play for ONE team ONLY
- Time limit: 9u-12u 1:45 Mins 13u,14u,16u 1:50 Mins
- No Time Limit in Championship Game
- Tie-Breaker in case of tied game after time has expired. Last batted out at second bases NO-Outs
- Print & Exchange " Playoff Eligible Roster"
NOTE: Playoff Eligible Roster:
Players that have NOT played 50% of their Division games are NOT eligible and will not show up on your roster, Also players added after 10/1/2016 will also be excluded from your "Playoff Eligible Roster"
You will need to PRINT Your Playoff Eligible Roster & exchange with the other team.