News Archives
Posted On: 05 April, 2011
USSSA Team Easton April Fool's Tournament............Huge Success !!!!
This is more than just a game...........Rob Murphy gives final Instructions.
If all of the events were run and attended like this........the world of youth baseball would be a lot happier and content. From the very first pitch on Tuesday night, this event was as good as it gets. The food was great, competition was superb and the fields were maintained after each game played, for those of you that have not been to Lantana Park or remember how it was 5 years ago...........this park has totally changed and they have for the better.
Club President Rob Murphy and his staff did a phenomenal job with the fields, they were dragged and lined after each game and in some cases even watered down to soften the clay, from one who does events this one is up there with one of the best of the year.
This was a AAA/AA event which for the most part had teams from up north and a few from down south. The
Canes Academy 9u and 11u made the trip from Homestead and they were not disappointed, their 9u team defeated the Lake Worth Shark Attack to win the Championship while the 11u lost in the semifinals to Team Titans.
Congratulations to Team Easton on the success of this event and all of the Tournament Champions............USSSA Will Back to Lantana Soon !!
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