News Archives
Posted On: 01 March, 2007
FPS / USSSA Will Announce an Umpiring Program............
Florida Premier Sports in conjuction with USSSA Baseball will announce an Umpiring certification program to comply with USSSA Baseball. The league has been working with Advancement of Umpires to provide a process in which all league Umpires will be certified by the start of the 2007 fall season. Our certification process will comply with USSSA Baseball and Florida Premier Sports, but measures will be taken so that these umpires once they have completed their training sessions will be rewaded by being chosen to do USSSA Sanctioned Tournaments and League games. Teams, Parks and Umpiring Organizations will need to comply in the Certification process in order to be a part of the league.
Our goal in this certification process is to have a balance pay scale, knowledge of USSSA rules and League procedures. Currently we don't have standars set in the league, when it comes to umpires, we have teams paying anywhere from $ 55.00 to $ 80.00 for a regular 12U game, we have no filing procedures, when a coach or player gets ejected from a game, and no reports are filed when an incident on the field takes place, not many Umpires have an Insurance policy............and we as Coaches are all liable. With our certification program must of these issues will be resolve and hope that the quality of umpires improve as well. We're are working, so that many of our young kids that have played in the league and are now playing at the High School level can have a part time job in umpring if they coose to do so.We would like to see these kids come back to the league and have a little extra cash in their pockets.
The league will announce in the next day or so the location and all details as the specific of the classes.