Tamiami Youth Baseball League President Cici Estrada and Florida Premier Baseball League President Gaspar Palmer have agreed to have the two leagues compete against each other in inter-League games.
We both feel this is a great opportunity to have teams compete in a tournament like atmosphere while playing meaningful league games. The two leagues have had a long lasting relationship that goes back 10 years when Cici's father Raul Estrada who passed away in 2016 ran the League. I recall (Gaspar) the one time we tried to have an Inter-league All-Star Game played, but unfortunate mother nature would not cooperate.
This is just a start of what the two Leagues can do in helping each other and their members. Also, we hope to have the All-Star Game happen this time around. More Information will be out in the next week or so, but for additional Information contact the League you are interested in playing with.
So, If you want to play against Premier or Tamiami League Teams....... then come on out and Join one of our League's this Spring Season.
For More Information on the the two Leagues, Please Contact:
Tamiami Youth Baseball
Call: 305 222.8455
Florida Premier Baseball League
Call: 954-214-3379