News Archives
Posted On: 13 April, 2007
If you can Help.............Walk for Autism Research
I recently accepted the challenge of walking in the Autism Speaks' Walk for
Autism Research fund-raising event that will be held on Saturday, April 21st at
Nova South Eastern University in Davie. Walk for Autism Research is the
signature fundraising event of Autism Speaks and is the nation's largest Walk
program dedicated to autism research. Since its inception in May 2000 we have
collectively raised tens of millions of dollars to fund autism reasearch. We
have come far in that time, but so much remains to be done.
I am asking
you to help by supporting my fund raising efforts with a donation. Your
tax-deductible gift will make a difference. Together we can make a difference by
advancing and accelerating autism research. It is faster and easier than ever to
support this great cause - you can make your donation online by simply clicking
on the link at the bottom of this message. If you would prefer, you can also
send your tax-deductible contribution to the address listed below. More
information on Autism Speaks, its programs and autism in general can be found at
website: may already know that my
youngest son, Jonathan, was diagnosed with Autism over 7 years ago and he is
doing very well primariy because of the support that he has received by the
Broward Chapter of the Autism Society. Any amount, great or small,
I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my
Best Regards,
Rich Sierra