News Archives
Posted On: 29 September, 2008
My Game was rained-out.....What do I do?
A bit of rain will not spoil your party this season. If you were one of those teams that the game was rained out and NOT sure on what to do, now that the schedules are locked. Here is how to go about it...................In order for it to become an official game follow these steps.
- Contact the opposing Manager and schedule the game.
- Once confirmed, email the league of the NEW date & times.
- You will received an email confirmation once your game has been posted on the league's site.
- Do NOT leave the game under the Old rained out dates and then score it, Please email me the new dates so that It becomes an official game.
- A game cannot be scored, If is NOT played.
Shoulde you have any questions, Please email me.